4 Whole Foods Low Fat Yogurt-Based Healthy Shakes for Weight Loss

A protein shake that is full of dietary fiber, vitamins, and probiotics has you feeling energized and full of energy, right? Sure, but in a different way than what you’re used to. Protein shakes provide a myriad of nutritional benefits to your diet, including helping you lose weight and build muscle mass. But eating a protein shake once a day isn’t enough to keep your body energized or fight off hunger pangs. How does the right type of protein shake make all the difference? The star ingredient in a great protein shake is the probiotic bacteria that live in your mouth and helps prevent digestive problems and overall health. Here are four low-fat protein shakes that can help lose weight or build muscle through the magic of your palate:

Barley Shake

We need carbs to feel energized and full of energy, but we also have a need for complex carbohydrates like barley. Yum! Barley is packed with fiber, so it easily fills you up and provides you with fiber-boosting vitamins and minerals like B1, B12, B12, vitamin B6, and magnesium. Barley extract also acts as a prebiotic, so it helps transfer fiber from your gut to your bloodstream, which helps slow down the digestion process and build fullness. This is important because once you start consuming the digestion-stopping benefits of wheat-based fiber, you are more likely to stick to a strict diet that’s designed to prevent fat from forming.

While barley has some fiber, it only provides approximately 20 grams a day. That’s quite a bit less than the 32 grams in the Probiotic Greek Yogurt Yummy Cycle Shake. The reduced sugar percentage in the shake also makes it much lower in calories (about 115 calories or less per serving) and comes in a serving size of 2 ounces (68 grams). Plus, this yogurt shake contains three-fourths of the recommended daily intake of calcium for men and women, so you’ll feel stronger and energized.

Frozen Blueberry Shakes

Our bodies don’t have the capacity to digest large amounts of pure protein quickly. A good, low-calorie protein shake is the perfect way to get quick, easy calories — but if you have to consume a lot of pure protein on a regular basis, avoid the enriched varieties made with whole eggs and Vitamin A and C. Keep your protein-packed shake healthy with as much fiber as possible, by drinking frozen blueberries.

Frozen blueberries contain a very high soluble fiber and a lot of vitamin C, and you don’t have to boil them to enjoy them in a shake. Plus, they contain a surprising amount of protein (36 grams of it), which can help you feel full and get you through your day.

Milk Shake

We need more protein than carbohydrates and vegetables combined to keep our bodies functioning properly, and milk is our go-to go-to. Milk contains all the key amino acids, so it’s the perfect protein for a protein shake. Additionally, milk contains a lot of protein per serving (about 38 grams), as opposed to the protein shakes which typically contain much less. This means you can consume the wrong amount of milk and still have a satisfying shake to follow your daily meal plan.

Eating milk shakes is also a great way to reduce your overall calories. The yogurt portion in the Probiotic Greek Yogurt Yummy Cycle Shake is only 120 calories per serving, while the shake contains only 20 calories per serving. Add a handful of ice and add it to a convenience store shake and it’s a hit that’s perfect for any busy woman who is also looking to lose weight.

Dietary Fiber

Citrus-flavored drinks are our guilty pleasure, and with good reason. They are packed with vitamins and minerals, and give you the energizing, hunger-fighting qualities you deserve. But instead of relying on high-calorie, artificially sweetened beverages, consider this clean, high-fiber diet beverage, which contains high-quality whole fruits and vegetables like bananas, almonds, and bell peppers. This bioactive drink can lower blood sugar, boost energy, and improve our digestion. The calcium in the drink provides your body with the needed minerals for strong bones and teeth, making it a great weight loss and strength-building beverage. Add a handful of berries and zucchini and it’s a power-packed drink you will love every time you sip on it.

As a bonus, in addition to improving your digestive system, a good, unprocessed diet beverage will also reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and other obesity-related diseases.

